Kranthi Kumar Rachavarapu

Kranthi Kumar Rachavarapu
Ph.D. Student
Advisor: A.N. Rajagopalan
Department of Electrical Engineering

Short Bio

I am currently working as a Senior Engineer at Qualcomm XR Research team, Bangalore.

I am a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering Department at IIT-Madras. I am advised by Prof A.N. Rajagopalan. My research lies in the broad areas of Computer Vision, Deep Learning. Particularly, I am exploring multimodal computer vision tasks at the intersection of sight and sound.

Prior to this, I obtained Master's degree from IIIT-Hyderabad under the supervision of Prof. Vineet Gandhi in 2018. In my Master's thesis, I worked on developing Computational Cinematography techniques. Prior to this, I got my Bachelor degree in Electronics and Communication Enginering from RGUKT-Basar.


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